Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Norman Fischer  Shepherd School's Spring 2007 Chamber Music Festival  The Front Row 04.12.07 
 2. Hakan Rosengren  Fayette Chamber Music Festival   
 3. Hakan Rosengren  Fayetville Chamber Music Festival   
 4. Webster Trio: Leone Buyse, fl; Michael Webster, cl; Robert Moeling, p  Rice University/Shepherd School of Music   
 5. Ferry Corsten  Ultra Music Festival (WMC) 24.03.2007  Ultra Music Festival (WMC) 2007 
 6. Ferry Corsten  Ultra Music Festival (WMC) 24.03.2007  Ultra Music Festival (WMC) 2007 
 7. Alejandro Chacon  Festival San Sebastian 2007: Entrevista con Natalia Ortiz, Festival de cine espanol de Australia  www.radiocine.org 
 8. Robert Simpson, Joseph Flummerfelt, Barbara Baker, choral directors  Houston Chamber Choir: NEA American Masterpieces Choral Festival   
 9. Jason Heath  Exploring Chamber Music 1: Music of Haydn and Rossini  Contrabass Conversations 
 10. Jason Heath  Exploring Chamber Music 4: Music of Bottesini  Contrabass Conversations 
 11. Instructor/playwright Mark Medoff; student playwright Darrel Holnes, author of The Burnkng Room  UH School of Theatre & Dance: New Play Festival   
 12. Bob Cobbing  Chamber Music  Text-sound-compositions 1 
 13. Bob Cobbing  Chamber Music  Text-sound-compositions 1 
 14. Bob Cobbing  Chamber Music  Text-sound-compositions 1 
 15. James Joyce  Chamber Music  Chamber Music  
 16. Daniel Maze  Chamber Music One  How's the Serenity EP 
 17. Daniel Maze  Chamber Music One  How's the Serenity EP 
 18. Crux  Chamber Music  Music For Dogs 
 19. Daniel Maze  Chamber Music One  How's the Serenity EP 
 20. The Best of Chuck 98'-02'  Track 10-Hackettstown Spring Festival-Man on the street :60  Chuck w/Dan,Doc 
 21. Andy  japanese chamber music  DnAbent Vol. 2 
 22. info@DCDRecords.com  DCD 048 - Walter Ross Chamber Music  DCD Classical 'Cast 
 23. Jonathan Godfrey - violin, Barret Sills and James Brown - viola da gamba  St. Cecilia Chamber Music Society   
 24. WXPN-FM  Ambient chamber music from Scandanavia  Echoes on the Morning Show 
 25. WXPN-FM  Ambient chamber music from Scandanavia  Echoes on the Morning Show 
 26. Alecia Lawyer and Charles May  Music Under the Stars with the River Oaks Chamber Orchestra  The Front Row 04.12.07 
 27. Jason Heath  Exploring Chamber Music 2: Dvorak Serenade and Schubert String Quintet  Contrabass Conversations 
 28. Heartthrob  Anti Pop Music Festival - 10.0   
 29. WHA!? - new music and culture festival  WHA!? - new music and culture festival  WHA!? - new music and culture festival 
 30. WHA!? - new music and culture festival  WHA!? - new music and culture festival  WHA!? - new music and culture festival 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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